Ultimate Facebook Video Ad Creative Cheat Sheet 2016
Jan 27, 2016
Jan 27, 2016
If you want to create a Facebook Video Ad we can imagine that you’ve lost the overview in all the requirements of the different objectives. For that reason we have collected them for you in an overview. Everything you need to know for your Facebook Video Ad Creative.
If you want to create a Facebook Video Ad we can imagine that you’ve lost the overview in all the requirements of the different objectives. For that reason we have collected them for you in an overview. Everything you need to know for your Facebook Video Ad Creative. To reach your objective, we’ve add tips as well, so grab your advantage.
Recommendations for every type of objectives for Facebook Video Ads
Below you will find additional recommendations about Facebook Video Ad Creatives. You will also find the recommendations for the slideshow ad (which is not supported for every objective).
"Send people to specific pages of your website."
Tip: add a call-to-action button to strengthen the goal of your ad.
"Showcase 3-5 images and links within a single ad unit to direct people to specific locations on your website."
Tip: Try different creative strategies to find out what works best for your business. Tell your businesses story by using videos related to one theme or retarget website visitors by showcasing last seen products.
"Optimize your ad to get people to take specific actions on your website: sign up or buy now."
Tip: Install a conversion-tracking pixel on the thank you page of your website to measure your conversions.
"Showcase multiple products in your ads."
Tip: Create a Custom Audience of people who have visited a product section. Show them a ad that features the same product or a lookalike they were looking at.
"When you boost posts you’ll reach more people. Engagement can include likes on your post, comments, shares and video views."
Tip: The power of video is to grab the attention of your audiences in the first 3 seconds. Even very short videos can be a powerful tool to engage your audience.
"Build relationships with all the people who matter to your business."
Tip: Create Website Custom Audiences or create audiences based on interests. Be very specific, those who matters will help you to reach your business goal.
"Get people to install your mobile app."
Tip: Pay only when people install your app from a Facebook ad by registering your app with Facebook and set a cost per action (CPA) bid.
"Get people to use your desktop app."
Tip: Pay only when people install your app from a Facebook ad by registering your app with Facebook and set a cost per action (CPA) bid.
"Get more activity on your mobile app."
Tip: Create a Custom Audience of people who use your mobile app to encouraging them to take a specific action in your app.
"Get more activity on your desktop app."
Tip: Create a Custom Audience of people who use your desktop app to encouraging them to take a specific action in your app.
"Tell a story using a video in your ad."
Tip: The first 3 seconds are the most important ones. Promote videos that show product launches or best practices of customers to raise awareness about your brand.
If you’ve any questions, leave us a comment or an email. Create great and powerful ad creatives yourself. Try The Next Ad for free and create your account in 3 simple steps.