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6 Tips for Successful Lead Ads

Johanna Drouin

Oct 26, 2017

There might be a lot of potential customers out there that want to get to know your business. However, filling in forms to learn more about you can be a chore and a challenge, especially on mobile. We give you 6 tips on how to make your Lead Ads more successful.

6 tips for successful Lead Ads

Today, people are unlocking their iPhones more than 80 times a day. ‘I am going shopping’ has turned into ‘I am always shopping.’ That’s why it’s no surprise that most people use their mobile device to make more informed purchasing decisions, especially during Christmas.

Last Christmas, Facebook saw mobile conversions grow from 45% to 53% of total online conversions from the 2015 Festive season to the 2016 Festive season. The number of possible conversions for this holiday season is expected to rise even more.

With these facts in mind, it might be useful to sharpen up your Lead Ads for the holiday season. There might be a lot of potential customers out there that want to get to know your business. However, filling in forms to learn more about you can be a chore and a challenge, especially on mobile.

What are Lead Ads again?

At this point, you might wonder: What are Lead Ads again? With Lead Ads, people simply have to click on your ad and a form pops up, already pre-filled with the contact information you’ve shared on Facebook. Just like that, potential customers get the information they’ve been longing for – and you can generate leads for your business!

Some time ago, we introduced you to our Lead Form Generator and shared with you the how and why of Lead ads. Today we will share 6 tips to make your Leads Ads even more successful during the holiday season.

1 Campaign set up

When setting up your holiday campaign, it’s crucial to determine the right budget.

If you feel like you can manage the volume of leads, you can increase your daily budget. Keep in mind that if you segment your budget too broadly, you can make it harder for your Lead Ads to deliver as much as you intend them to. Also make sure to implement the Facebook Pixel on your website so you can efficiently optimise, target and measure your Lead Ad campaigns.If you want to know more about the Facebook Pixel, we wrote a whole blog about it.

2 Creatives

Use videos in your Lead Ads. This way you can easily engage with your audience and convey your message. When people click on the call-to-action button below your video, they will be redirected to the Lead form. If you don’t have a video, we advise you to go for the Carousel Ad to showcase your brand and products.

Your creative gets even better if you include an incentive. This way people will be more likely to share information with you if they know they get something back in return. Moreover, don’t forget about a good copy in your ad creative, as this is the perfect place for you to share your value proposition. Long story short: Let your future leads know how they will benefit from filling out your form.

3 Reduce and customise your questions

When it comes to the actual Lead form itself, ask fewer questions and add custom questions. If you include too many questions, you run the risk that people quit and stop filling out your form. If you add customised questions with a list of possible answers, you are more likely to get answers. Moreover, less scrolling and customisation leads to a better user experience.

4 Be specific and provide context

Keep in mind that you are asking your customers to share data with you. So make sure you provide enough context in your Lead Ads. Why should they fill out your form? How can they benefit from it? What do they get back in return? Add a welcome screen to ensure the leads you receive are of higher quality. For example, if you want to find new email subscribers, use a welcome screen to explain what type of content you are offering in those emails. You can also upload a unique image to communicate the value you offer to people who submit your form.

5 Follow up on your leads

Don’t forget to follow up on the leads you have gathered via your Lead Ads. Don’t waste too much time and follow up with customers as soon as their information has been submitted. The longer you wait, the less likely you will get conversions. Follow up when it’s most convenient for your lead. By using custom questions, you can find out when to best reach customers. If you know when it’s most convenient for your customers to get contacted, you can provide a more positive experience and increase your number of conversions.

6 A/B Testing

Finally and most importantly: don’t underestimate the importance of A/B testing. Test a few different ad sets with different forms. This way you will easily find out what format gives you the lowest cost per lead.


With people more likely to do their Christmas shopping via their mobile devices, there is no doubt that you are excited about the potential of your Lead Ads. Before you launch your next campaign, keep those 6 tips in mind and make use of our Lead Form Generator. Now, go ahead and start a free trial and set up a Lead generation campaign yourself to see how this will boost your business!

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